
Each building and site are different and the proposed development, significance and any harm, need to be assessed and balanced in accordance with the national and local planning policy and the legal framework.

If you already have an agent we can work together with them or your team of contractors, architects and surveyors. We will assist to address your specific needs providing sympathetic and cost effect solutions for works to traditional buildings and development in historic settings, through design, conservation, repair and creative reuse.

Planning Applications

An application for works to a listed structure, buildings in a conservation area, locally listed buildings or development which affects the historic environment will often require further information on the impact of the works to the fabric, curtilage or setting.

We can help by providing the following services;

Project Work

Situations arise when Local Authorities require consultant support to complete application backlogs or specific projects. One Stop Conservation can help in this situation, with an understanding of heritage significance from an informed approach to development.

Successful place making and positive developments are achieved through incorporating and managing heritage assets. Most historic places and buildings need to be used if they are to have a future. Buildings need to have a use which in turn helps their retention, repair and maintenance